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Book - Awakening The Healing Of Your Soul

Quick Overview

AWAKENING THE HEALING OF YOUR SOUL: Discover your Intuitive Gifts, Connect with your Guides, Heal your Soul

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Amy is a great friend of mine! She is one of my first supporters, mentors, and great friend! This book is amazing!
Awakening the Healing of Your Soul: Discover your Intuitive Gifts, Connect with your Guides, Heal your Soul answers some of the most often asked questions about intuition and healing. As the world continues to go through a shift often referred to as an awakening, many have noticed their spiritual gifts getting stronger. This has created a growing need to understand where these abilities come from and for what purpose they are to be used.

In this book you will learn the skills needed to awaken your ability to see, sense and feel the subtle energies of your soul, both body and spirit. You’ll learn to hear the divine messages that were meant to guide you on the path to healing. During this process you will become more aligned with your Higher Power. As you learn to activate your intuitive gifts you will become a part of the solution to creating peace and wellbeing, not just for yourself but for others as well.

Amy Winsett is an Intuitive Energy Reader, Energy Wellness Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist and the Owner of Serenity Wellness Spa in Kaysville, Utah. She has assisted hundreds of people in discovering their own intuitive gifts, connecting with their angels and guides and to find healing by clearing personal blocks. Amy believes that understanding energy healing is not just for those “born with the gift” but something we are ALL meant to learn!
She teaches virtual and in person Energy Wellness Classes and offer a variety of spa services in Kaysville, Utah. She can be found teaching at Energy Healing Conferences hosted by Hope Haven Events in various locations.

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