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Lime, Essential Oil 15ML


Orange, Sweet Essential Oil 15ML

Lemon, Essential Oil 15ML

Quick Overview

Properties: Arthritis, Appetite Suppressant, Flavor, Gallbladder, Hangovers, Detox, Anxiety, Stress, Aromatic, great flavoring, Internal Cleanser, Wrinkles, Wounds, Aromatic. Non-toxic cleaner, antineuralgic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, astringent, cicatrizant, emollient. Antacid, bactericide, diuretic, insecticide, laxative, lifts spirits and clears thoughts and helps with concentration. Aids in blood flow, used for high blood pressure. Eases painful cold sores & herpes.

Availability: In stock



There is a reason Lemons are added to many household cleaning products. Its natural essence and crisp aroma is amazingly fresh. Drop the chemicals when cleaning your home and give Lemon a try. It is also uplifting and inspires positive thinking. Lemon trees reach about 20 feet in height and grow serrated leaves, thorns and fragrant flowers. The citrus fruit is high in Vitamin C and it an amazing flavor.

Product Details:

Botanical Name:
Citrus limon
115F Degrees
Extraction Method:
Peel, Cold Pressed
Aromatic, Topical, Internal
Safe for Kids:
Safe for Pregnent Women:
Safe for Dogs:
Safe for Cats:
Blends Well With:

chamomile, eucalyptus, lavender and rose