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Orange, Sweet Essential Oil 15ML


Geranium, Essential Oil 15ML

Lavender, Essential Oil 15ML

Quick Overview

Properties: It is known to be analgesic, antidepressant, Antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bactericide, cicatrisant, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, fungicide, and sedative. It is a sedative action on the heart. This is the first essential oil that should be used for a minor burn or sunburn. ADD/ADHD & Autism, Allergies, Arthritis, Bee Stings & Bug Bites, Keeps bugs away. Sleep, Calming, High Blood Pressure. Bronchitis, Headaches, Menstrual problems. Use in the delivery room to calm and relax everyone in the room. Soothes spirit, relieves anger, valuable in manic-depressive cases. Diaper Rash & other skin disorders. Promotes growth of new skin cells. Hair Loss, Greasy Hair, Hormone, Massages, Nausea & Nervous systems. Safest oil to use with children & elderly.

Availability: In stock



The aroma is floral, herbaceous, light with woody undertones. It is grown at 600-800 mts above sea level. For thousands of years, the Lavender plant has been used by a variety of cultures to help an array of health and emotional issues. It was found in King Tutankhamen's tomb and it was also used in the Egyptian mummification process. Safest oil for children and elderly

Product Details:

Botanical Name:
Lavandula angustifolia
156F Degrees
Extraction Method:
Flower, Steam distilled
Aromatic, Topical, Internal
Safe for Kids:
Safe for Pregnent Women:
Safe for Dogs:
Safe for Cats:
Blends Well With:

Bergamot, chamomile, citronella, lemon, and pine